Irregular Verbs List
Lista con los 72 verbos irregulares más frecuentes en inglés. [...]
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Recuerda que tenemos la página de FAQS:Lista con los 72 verbos irregulares más frecuentes en inglés. [...]
Presentació en format pdf --> les categories gramaticals Un bon recurs per explicar-les i aprendre-les d'una manera més visual i resumides. [...]
QUADERN DOCENT 22-23 - Diferents colors de portada - Calendari anual - Fulls de notes - Fitxa individual alumne -Fitza registre entrevites - Fulls de programació setmanal Tot en format PDF, en català. [...]
¡Los alumnos también deben evaluarse y evaluar a su profe! [...]
Plantilles per a la programació setmanal d'aula. [...]
7 pruebas en las cuales tendrán que descifrar mensajes ocultos, códigos QR, acertijos, etc. Incluye:- Todas las pruebas listas para imprimir. - [...]
Es tracta d'una programació anual d'educació artística que inclou activitats obertes i creatives, vinculades a 6 artístes contemporànies (Frida Kahlo, Yayoi Kusama, Judith Scott, Heather Hansen, Louise Bourgeois i Dolors Puigdemont). Inclou: [...]
Documento donde puedes encontrar 10 puntos para escribir un buen texto. [...]
20 targetes imprimibles: 10 endevinalles de monuments històrics famosos del món. (targetes de color verd) 10 endevinalles de diferents països (targetes de color groc) A més, inclou 2 targetes en blanc per poder crear noves endevinalles [...]
Cut out to explain countable/ uncountable nouns
Christmas breakout in English. La Navidad peligra! Santa Claus no encuentra su trineo ni a los renos, los regalos se han mezclado y encima hay 3 elfos que quieren arruinarlo todo! Sois capaces de ayudar a Santa y salvar la Navidad?
Activitat per repassar parts of the body and numbers. L'alumnat ha de llegir les descripcions dels monstres i esbrinar quin és el nom de cadascú.
This Christmas Advent calendar is a super-fun way to count off the days until Christmas. Encourage your students to engage in random activities in the 24 days leading up to Christmas with these 24 cards filled with activity ideas.
He aquí una actividad para repasar vocabulario sobre vegetables. Cuál es el nombre de cada pizza? Lxs alumnxs tendrán que leer los ingredientes de las pizzas, mirar las fotos y averiguar como se llama cada una.
Taller en anglés per a treballar Halloween
These Jolly Phonics Tracing Mats are perfect to practice letter identification, proper letter formation and fine motor skills. Each letter
Printable Cutout Taboo Game, 42 colour cards divided by topic for Primary kids.
Think about your New Year Proposals with your students!
Juego del tradicional bingo con imágenes representativas de Londres para trabajar el vocabulario. Consta de las imágenes para la ruleta
This activity helps them stop and think about their learning. Great way of formative assessment as well.
Templates for your interactive notebook
Flipbook sobre los colores (english)
Plantilla para hacer descripciones en inglés.
M&M game is a wonderful game for students to get to know each other better. There are always things to discover about them and for them to discover about us.
Writing prompts are cards that students can use as a starting point for writings. The topics are meaningful, fun, natural... These set of cards are to work on the past tense using both Past Simple and Present Perfect. Let's write! PS: The cards can also be used for Oral Presentations.
You'll get a Genially (presentation + vocabulary + quiz) and four colouring pages (pilgrims: I am thankful for...)
This or that is another icebreaker, great for first days. It is a great activity for them to express their decisions and to get to know them better.
Cut out to explain countable/ uncountable nouns
Christmas breakout in English. La Navidad peligra! Santa Claus no encuentra su trineo ni a los renos, los regalos se han mezclado y encima hay 3 elfos que quieren arruinarlo todo! Sois capaces de ayudar a Santa y salvar la Navidad?
Activitat per repassar parts of the body and numbers. L'alumnat ha de llegir les descripcions dels monstres i esbrinar quin és el nom de cadascú.
This Christmas Advent calendar is a super-fun way to count off the days until Christmas. Encourage your students to engage in random activities in the 24 days leading up to Christmas with these 24 cards filled with activity ideas.
He aquí una actividad para repasar vocabulario sobre vegetables. Cuál es el nombre de cada pizza? Lxs alumnxs tendrán que leer los ingredientes de las pizzas, mirar las fotos y averiguar como se llama cada una.
Taller en anglés per a treballar Halloween
These Jolly Phonics Tracing Mats are perfect to practice letter identification, proper letter formation and fine motor skills. Each letter
Printable Cutout Taboo Game, 42 colour cards divided by topic for Primary kids.
Think about your New Year Proposals with your students!
Juego del tradicional bingo con imágenes representativas de Londres para trabajar el vocabulario. Consta de las imágenes para la ruleta
This activity helps them stop and think about their learning. Great way of formative assessment as well.
Templates for your interactive notebook
Flipbook sobre los colores (english)
Plantilla para hacer descripciones en inglés.
M&M game is a wonderful game for students to get to know each other better. There are always things to discover about them and for them to discover about us.
Writing prompts are cards that students can use as a starting point for writings. The topics are meaningful, fun, natural... These set of cards are to work on the past tense using both Past Simple and Present Perfect. Let's write! PS: The cards can also be used for Oral Presentations.
You'll get a Genially (presentation + vocabulary + quiz) and four colouring pages (pilgrims: I am thankful for...)
This or that is another icebreaker, great for first days. It is a great activity for them to express their decisions and to get to know them better.
Cut out to explain countable/ uncountable nouns
Christmas breakout in English. La Navidad peligra! Santa Claus no encuentra su trineo ni a los renos, los regalos se han mezclado y encima hay 3 elfos que quieren arruinarlo todo! Sois capaces de ayudar a Santa y salvar la Navidad?
Activitat per repassar parts of the body and numbers. L'alumnat ha de llegir les descripcions dels monstres i esbrinar quin és el nom de cadascú.
This Christmas Advent calendar is a super-fun way to count off the days until Christmas. Encourage your students to engage in random activities in the 24 days leading up to Christmas with these 24 cards filled with activity ideas.
He aquí una actividad para repasar vocabulario sobre vegetables. Cuál es el nombre de cada pizza? Lxs alumnxs tendrán que leer los ingredientes de las pizzas, mirar las fotos y averiguar como se llama cada una.
Taller en anglés per a treballar Halloween
These Jolly Phonics Tracing Mats are perfect to practice letter identification, proper letter formation and fine motor skills. Each letter
Printable Cutout Taboo Game, 42 colour cards divided by topic for Primary kids.
Think about your New Year Proposals with your students!
Juego del tradicional bingo con imágenes representativas de Londres para trabajar el vocabulario. Consta de las imágenes para la ruleta
This activity helps them stop and think about their learning. Great way of formative assessment as well.
Templates for your interactive notebook
Flipbook sobre los colores (english)
Plantilla para hacer descripciones en inglés.
M&M game is a wonderful game for students to get to know each other better. There are always things to discover about them and for them to discover about us.
Writing prompts are cards that students can use as a starting point for writings. The topics are meaningful, fun, natural... These set of cards are to work on the past tense using both Past Simple and Present Perfect. Let's write! PS: The cards can also be used for Oral Presentations.
You'll get a Genially (presentation + vocabulary + quiz) and four colouring pages (pilgrims: I am thankful for...)
This or that is another icebreaker, great for first days. It is a great activity for them to express their decisions and to get to know them better.
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