Irregular Verbs List
Lista con los 72 verbos irregulares más frecuentes en inglés. [...]
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Recuerda que tenemos la página de FAQS:Lista con los 72 verbos irregulares más frecuentes en inglés. [...]
Presentació en format pdf --> les categories gramaticals Un bon recurs per explicar-les i aprendre-les d'una manera més visual i resumides. [...]
QUADERN DOCENT 22-23 - Diferents colors de portada - Calendari anual - Fulls de notes - Fitxa individual alumne -Fitza registre entrevites - Fulls de programació setmanal Tot en format PDF, en català. [...]
¡Los alumnos también deben evaluarse y evaluar a su profe! [...]
Plantilles per a la programació setmanal d'aula. [...]
7 pruebas en las cuales tendrán que descifrar mensajes ocultos, códigos QR, acertijos, etc. Incluye:- Todas las pruebas listas para imprimir. - [...]
Es tracta d'una programació anual d'educació artística que inclou activitats obertes i creatives, vinculades a 6 artístes contemporànies (Frida Kahlo, Yayoi Kusama, Judith Scott, Heather Hansen, Louise Bourgeois i Dolors Puigdemont). Inclou: [...]
Documento donde puedes encontrar 10 puntos para escribir un buen texto. [...]
20 targetes imprimibles: 10 endevinalles de monuments històrics famosos del món. (targetes de color verd) 10 endevinalles de diferents països (targetes de color groc) A més, inclou 2 targetes en blanc per poder crear noves endevinalles [...]
Juego de "hundir la flota" para trabajar las rutinas diarias y el presente simple en inglés.
Set of activities to work on wh questions in the English class.
This pack contains 18 warm up activities for the EFL classroom. These are intended to be done in groups or
These printable poems are great in a poetry notebook, as the poem of the day, in reading groups, or let the kids color to present their poems on a bulletin board display.
Este recurso es el juego del comecocos utilizar para practicar speaking. En este caso los/as alumnos/as van a hablar sobre
5 different mini games to practice English as a foreign language using Guess Who character cards.
M&M game is a wonderful game for students to get to know each other better. There are always things to discover about them and for them to discover about us.
These 45 Would You Rather Questions are great for discussion, class polls, writing prompts, language building, facilitating high-level thinking, brain breaks, and more!
30 Chit Chat Cards adaptadas a la temática de la NAVIDAD Las chit chats cards son parte de mi rutina⏰ en el aula, las suelo usar todos los días 5- 10 minutos al comienzo de la clase para fomentar la conversación 💭 entre los estudiantes 🧒🏽🧒🏼. También se pueden usar para rincones de estructura 📝 creativa , para trabajar en parejas , en grupos rotatorios , con el jenga , con dados , ruletas ... ¡dan muchísimo juego !!! 😎
Two sets of cards: questions and answers.
These 72 Chit Chat Cards are great to get any conversation started, for an icebreaker, as a team building activity, journal/writing prompts, or anytime you need to keep the conversation going!
Actividad Speaking This or That
Tarjetas para jugar al tabú en inglés
Do you want to review grammar skills a bit more fun? This no-prep, ready-to-print and play board game will help.
Speaking activity
Este recurso es un parchís con la temática de Harry Potter que llama la atención de los estudiantes y trabajan diferentes contenidos de una forma mas entretenida y motivadora.
Inventing stories (speaking and writing).
The definitive resource for your English classes! With it you will get your students to speak 100% in English throughout
This free game is a big hit with kindergarten and first and second grade students. The Halloween theme makes this
This set includes small cards and flashcards for the classroom objects. It focuses on developing reading/writing skills. It is suitable for LEARNING STATIONS. This set comes with instructions on how to print and how to use the flashcards. Compatible with All about us NOW! EFL Book by Oxford.
Set of cards of many animals for students to create their own ones using different animals' head, body and tail + 3 worksheets to practice description.
This resource containts 36 different prompt cards to help and encourage students to initiate and take part in conversations, providing them a variety of different conversation starters that you can use throughout the year.
In this document you will find a set of cards to be used with big dices. A set of blank cards is added for each teacher to personalize it.
Juego para practicar estructuras para speaking en parejas a través de un role-play (customer/travel agent)
Juego de "hundir la flota" para trabajar las rutinas diarias y el presente simple en inglés.
Set of activities to work on wh questions in the English class.
This pack contains 18 warm up activities for the EFL classroom. These are intended to be done in groups or
These printable poems are great in a poetry notebook, as the poem of the day, in reading groups, or let the kids color to present their poems on a bulletin board display.
Este recurso es el juego del comecocos utilizar para practicar speaking. En este caso los/as alumnos/as van a hablar sobre
5 different mini games to practice English as a foreign language using Guess Who character cards.
M&M game is a wonderful game for students to get to know each other better. There are always things to discover about them and for them to discover about us.
These 45 Would You Rather Questions are great for discussion, class polls, writing prompts, language building, facilitating high-level thinking, brain breaks, and more!
30 Chit Chat Cards adaptadas a la temática de la NAVIDAD Las chit chats cards son parte de mi rutina⏰ en el aula, las suelo usar todos los días 5- 10 minutos al comienzo de la clase para fomentar la conversación 💭 entre los estudiantes 🧒🏽🧒🏼. También se pueden usar para rincones de estructura 📝 creativa , para trabajar en parejas , en grupos rotatorios , con el jenga , con dados , ruletas ... ¡dan muchísimo juego !!! 😎
Two sets of cards: questions and answers.
These 72 Chit Chat Cards are great to get any conversation started, for an icebreaker, as a team building activity, journal/writing prompts, or anytime you need to keep the conversation going!
Actividad Speaking This or That
Tarjetas para jugar al tabú en inglés
Do you want to review grammar skills a bit more fun? This no-prep, ready-to-print and play board game will help.
Speaking activity
Este recurso es un parchís con la temática de Harry Potter que llama la atención de los estudiantes y trabajan diferentes contenidos de una forma mas entretenida y motivadora.
Inventing stories (speaking and writing).
The definitive resource for your English classes! With it you will get your students to speak 100% in English throughout
This free game is a big hit with kindergarten and first and second grade students. The Halloween theme makes this
This set includes small cards and flashcards for the classroom objects. It focuses on developing reading/writing skills. It is suitable for LEARNING STATIONS. This set comes with instructions on how to print and how to use the flashcards. Compatible with All about us NOW! EFL Book by Oxford.
Set of cards of many animals for students to create their own ones using different animals' head, body and tail + 3 worksheets to practice description.
This resource containts 36 different prompt cards to help and encourage students to initiate and take part in conversations, providing them a variety of different conversation starters that you can use throughout the year.
In this document you will find a set of cards to be used with big dices. A set of blank cards is added for each teacher to personalize it.
Juego para practicar estructuras para speaking en parejas a través de un role-play (customer/travel agent)
Juego de "hundir la flota" para trabajar las rutinas diarias y el presente simple en inglés.
Set of activities to work on wh questions in the English class.
This pack contains 18 warm up activities for the EFL classroom. These are intended to be done in groups or
These printable poems are great in a poetry notebook, as the poem of the day, in reading groups, or let the kids color to present their poems on a bulletin board display.
Este recurso es el juego del comecocos utilizar para practicar speaking. En este caso los/as alumnos/as van a hablar sobre
5 different mini games to practice English as a foreign language using Guess Who character cards.
M&M game is a wonderful game for students to get to know each other better. There are always things to discover about them and for them to discover about us.
These 45 Would You Rather Questions are great for discussion, class polls, writing prompts, language building, facilitating high-level thinking, brain breaks, and more!
30 Chit Chat Cards adaptadas a la temática de la NAVIDAD Las chit chats cards son parte de mi rutina⏰ en el aula, las suelo usar todos los días 5- 10 minutos al comienzo de la clase para fomentar la conversación 💭 entre los estudiantes 🧒🏽🧒🏼. También se pueden usar para rincones de estructura 📝 creativa , para trabajar en parejas , en grupos rotatorios , con el jenga , con dados , ruletas ... ¡dan muchísimo juego !!! 😎
Two sets of cards: questions and answers.
These 72 Chit Chat Cards are great to get any conversation started, for an icebreaker, as a team building activity, journal/writing prompts, or anytime you need to keep the conversation going!
Actividad Speaking This or That
Tarjetas para jugar al tabú en inglés
Do you want to review grammar skills a bit more fun? This no-prep, ready-to-print and play board game will help.
Speaking activity
Este recurso es un parchís con la temática de Harry Potter que llama la atención de los estudiantes y trabajan diferentes contenidos de una forma mas entretenida y motivadora.
Inventing stories (speaking and writing).
The definitive resource for your English classes! With it you will get your students to speak 100% in English throughout
This free game is a big hit with kindergarten and first and second grade students. The Halloween theme makes this
This set includes small cards and flashcards for the classroom objects. It focuses on developing reading/writing skills. It is suitable for LEARNING STATIONS. This set comes with instructions on how to print and how to use the flashcards. Compatible with All about us NOW! EFL Book by Oxford.
Set of cards of many animals for students to create their own ones using different animals' head, body and tail + 3 worksheets to practice description.
This resource containts 36 different prompt cards to help and encourage students to initiate and take part in conversations, providing them a variety of different conversation starters that you can use throughout the year.
In this document you will find a set of cards to be used with big dices. A set of blank cards is added for each teacher to personalize it.
Juego para practicar estructuras para speaking en parejas a través de un role-play (customer/travel agent)
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