Irregular Verbs List
Lista con los 72 verbos irregulares más frecuentes en inglés. [...]
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Recuerda que tenemos la página de FAQS:Lista con los 72 verbos irregulares más frecuentes en inglés. [...]
Presentació en format pdf --> les categories gramaticals Un bon recurs per explicar-les i aprendre-les d'una manera més visual i resumides. [...]
QUADERN DOCENT 22-23 - Diferents colors de portada - Calendari anual - Fulls de notes - Fitxa individual alumne -Fitza registre entrevites - Fulls de programació setmanal Tot en format PDF, en català. [...]
¡Los alumnos también deben evaluarse y evaluar a su profe! [...]
Plantilles per a la programació setmanal d'aula. [...]
7 pruebas en las cuales tendrán que descifrar mensajes ocultos, códigos QR, acertijos, etc. Incluye:- Todas las pruebas listas para imprimir. - [...]
Es tracta d'una programació anual d'educació artística que inclou activitats obertes i creatives, vinculades a 6 artístes contemporànies (Frida Kahlo, Yayoi Kusama, Judith Scott, Heather Hansen, Louise Bourgeois i Dolors Puigdemont). Inclou: [...]
Documento donde puedes encontrar 10 puntos para escribir un buen texto. [...]
20 targetes imprimibles: 10 endevinalles de monuments històrics famosos del món. (targetes de color verd) 10 endevinalles de diferents països (targetes de color groc) A més, inclou 2 targetes en blanc per poder crear noves endevinalles [...]
Final task about ACTIONS and CAN/CAN'T
This is a useful worksheet to work irregular verbs with your students
. 4 grammar scaffolding posters (I like, I love, I don't like, do you like?). . 20 food vocabulary cards (picture cards and wordcards) ready to print for students. Vocabulary games and speaking games (memory, saying if you like/ don't like a food you pick, asking a partner, ...). . 3 worksheets to practice the vocabulary and the grammar structures: 2 writing workheets ("I like", "I don't like" structure) and 1 speaking worksheet to practice the question structure and asnwer).
Presentación muy completa sobre los grados de los adjetivos en inglés.
Here you have another way to promote writing by creating funny sentences about food. There are 2 different versions: "My
"A Dinosaur adventure" project. Poster with the grammar structures used to describe the dinosaurs. Affirmative sentences, negative sentences and questions structures.
Rueda para practicar spelling y rueda para practicar tiempos verbales.
Plantilla para hacer descripciones en inglés.
Talent Show poster and participation form to motivate students to write and tell others what they can and what they can't do.
Poster sobre l'ordre dels adjectius
Cut out to explain countable/ uncountable nouns
Pets unit project and grammar scaffolding posters. Writing and oral practice. Structure: "I've got a (pet)", "I've got a (colour) (pet)".
This write-the-room 3 pack comes with 38 Christmas and winter-themed pictures to hang around your room. This gives students the
Este recurso es un parchís con la temática de Harry Potter que llama la atención de los estudiantes y trabajan diferentes contenidos de una forma mas entretenida y motivadora.
Juego estilo TARSIA (parecido al dominó) con 30 superlatives de adjetivos regulares cortos y largos, incluyendo good y bad.
Flipbook para trabajar el tiempo verbal past continuos en afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo. Además, en la última solapa incluye un ejercicio para practicar las 3 formas.
This pack includes the lyrics for the rhyme in 1st and 3rd person, and affirmative and negative forms. It also
6 reading cards: read and match each description with the correct dinosaur. Key vocabulary: dinosaurs body parts. Sentence structure: "It is (colour)", "It has got (body part)", It hasn't got (body part)".
Numbers, basic grammar, all about me.
Final task about ACTIONS and CAN/CAN'T
This is a useful worksheet to work irregular verbs with your students
. 4 grammar scaffolding posters (I like, I love, I don't like, do you like?). . 20 food vocabulary cards (picture cards and wordcards) ready to print for students. Vocabulary games and speaking games (memory, saying if you like/ don't like a food you pick, asking a partner, ...). . 3 worksheets to practice the vocabulary and the grammar structures: 2 writing workheets ("I like", "I don't like" structure) and 1 speaking worksheet to practice the question structure and asnwer).
Presentación muy completa sobre los grados de los adjetivos en inglés.
Here you have another way to promote writing by creating funny sentences about food. There are 2 different versions: "My
"A Dinosaur adventure" project. Poster with the grammar structures used to describe the dinosaurs. Affirmative sentences, negative sentences and questions structures.
Rueda para practicar spelling y rueda para practicar tiempos verbales.
Plantilla para hacer descripciones en inglés.
Talent Show poster and participation form to motivate students to write and tell others what they can and what they can't do.
Poster sobre l'ordre dels adjectius
Cut out to explain countable/ uncountable nouns
Pets unit project and grammar scaffolding posters. Writing and oral practice. Structure: "I've got a (pet)", "I've got a (colour) (pet)".
This write-the-room 3 pack comes with 38 Christmas and winter-themed pictures to hang around your room. This gives students the
Este recurso es un parchís con la temática de Harry Potter que llama la atención de los estudiantes y trabajan diferentes contenidos de una forma mas entretenida y motivadora.
Juego estilo TARSIA (parecido al dominó) con 30 superlatives de adjetivos regulares cortos y largos, incluyendo good y bad.
Flipbook para trabajar el tiempo verbal past continuos en afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo. Además, en la última solapa incluye un ejercicio para practicar las 3 formas.
This pack includes the lyrics for the rhyme in 1st and 3rd person, and affirmative and negative forms. It also
6 reading cards: read and match each description with the correct dinosaur. Key vocabulary: dinosaurs body parts. Sentence structure: "It is (colour)", "It has got (body part)", It hasn't got (body part)".
Numbers, basic grammar, all about me.
Final task about ACTIONS and CAN/CAN'T
This is a useful worksheet to work irregular verbs with your students
. 4 grammar scaffolding posters (I like, I love, I don't like, do you like?). . 20 food vocabulary cards (picture cards and wordcards) ready to print for students. Vocabulary games and speaking games (memory, saying if you like/ don't like a food you pick, asking a partner, ...). . 3 worksheets to practice the vocabulary and the grammar structures: 2 writing workheets ("I like", "I don't like" structure) and 1 speaking worksheet to practice the question structure and asnwer).
Presentación muy completa sobre los grados de los adjetivos en inglés.
Here you have another way to promote writing by creating funny sentences about food. There are 2 different versions: "My
"A Dinosaur adventure" project. Poster with the grammar structures used to describe the dinosaurs. Affirmative sentences, negative sentences and questions structures.
Rueda para practicar spelling y rueda para practicar tiempos verbales.
Plantilla para hacer descripciones en inglés.
Talent Show poster and participation form to motivate students to write and tell others what they can and what they can't do.
Poster sobre l'ordre dels adjectius
Cut out to explain countable/ uncountable nouns
Pets unit project and grammar scaffolding posters. Writing and oral practice. Structure: "I've got a (pet)", "I've got a (colour) (pet)".
This write-the-room 3 pack comes with 38 Christmas and winter-themed pictures to hang around your room. This gives students the
Este recurso es un parchís con la temática de Harry Potter que llama la atención de los estudiantes y trabajan diferentes contenidos de una forma mas entretenida y motivadora.
Juego estilo TARSIA (parecido al dominó) con 30 superlatives de adjetivos regulares cortos y largos, incluyendo good y bad.
Flipbook para trabajar el tiempo verbal past continuos en afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo. Además, en la última solapa incluye un ejercicio para practicar las 3 formas.
This pack includes the lyrics for the rhyme in 1st and 3rd person, and affirmative and negative forms. It also
6 reading cards: read and match each description with the correct dinosaur. Key vocabulary: dinosaurs body parts. Sentence structure: "It is (colour)", "It has got (body part)", It hasn't got (body part)".
Numbers, basic grammar, all about me.
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